
Aralık, 2011 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

how to secure a composite with ssl that running on soa suite

first of all you have to got a keystore in order to store you certificates. to create it, just have to type this line keytool -genkey -alias mydomain -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks -keysize 2048 then create a CSRequest to get a private key from a CA keytool -certreq -alias mydomain -keystore keystore.jks -file mydomain.csr when it comes then type this command keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mydomain -file mydomain.crt -keystore keystore.jks or you can create your own but this time you can use this private key only known systems or systems that knows you. keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048 in order to define this keystore to your weblogic login and get the lock the goto Servers->your-server-> configuration->keystores screen change the keystore type to (Custom Identity and java trust store) at the sametime copy the keystore.jks file that just have prepared previous step under th...

how to secure a composite in soa suite

security is an up level topic for developers that writing codes for fulfill the daily needs. also proportion to project life, designing and defining security is take very short time. for so, security issues are being learned several time because developer forgets the key points of it. hence, the blogs helps us in order to remember the key points. we can start defining security policies in composite. we can do it with to ways. both ways are using same names. like "oracle/wss_*******" in first way we can define with jdeveloper that code will be hard-coded for the project. right click the service element in composite.xml and select the option configure ws-policies. oracle picks up some useful policies together and give those simple and rememberable names like mentioned before. select the policy you want to apply from the list after the click secure segment. and deploy it to server and Bob's your uncle. the other way defining policies is more declarative then th...